Senin, 28 Mei 2018

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Smoking is injurious to health this is the most common proverb amongst every individual of the worlds population. Throat cancer? The word itself forces you to imagine persons ugly face after the treatment is done. In spite of having awareness, for each and every different type of cancer in the world, still these days people are more leaning themselves towards smoking, eating tobacco which creates maximum risk of cancer, whereas drinking alcohol as well. Most of the throat cancer is developed in adults more than 50 years of age. As compared to women, men are 10 times higher at risk of developing cancer.   itreatment leading from throat cancer to Hairloss,  A class of disease in which abnormal cells get multiplied and divides uncontrollably in the entire body is referred to as cancer, these abnormal cells from the growth of malignant is called as tumours. Throat cancer refers to the cancer that causes damage to the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat as well such as tonsils. The hollow tube which runs behind the nose to the top of windpipe is pharyngeal cancer. And the cancer which is formed in the vocal cords is termed as laryngeal cancer. According to the study, there are more cases of pharyngeal cancer rather than laryngeal cancer. Symptoms of Lung cancer:- You should consult your dentist or health care professional if you notice any of the symptoms as follows:- Swelling Red or white patches developed in the mouth Bleeding from the mouth Pain in the facial area, mouth or in neck Pain in ear Unexpected weight loss It gets difficult to chew or swallow the food Change in voice Dont be afraid, if you are observing all the above symptoms, it does not typically always mean that you are suffering from throat cancer but its important to discuss this with your doctor to avoid the health problems. It is estimated that men are more likely to develop cancer than women. Risk factors for the development of oral cancer include: Smoking: - pipe smokers, cigar or cigarette develop cancer six times more than non smokers Smokeless tobacco users:- chewing of tobacco is 50 times more likely to develop cancers of the cheek, gums, and lining of the lips Excessive consumption of alcohol:-  more common in drinkers Hereditary  problem Excessive exposure to sun at young age. Its important to note that about 25% of all oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and who only drink alcohol occasionally. Diagnosing throat cancer:- Throat cancer should be diagnosed as early as possible, which will help to increase your chances of successful treatment and gives the maximum ability   to swallow as well as speak. Doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history at your appointment. If the person is experiencing constant cough, sore throat, which has no improvement, then the patient may suffer from throat cancer. Doctor will undergo laryngoscope which gives the closer view of your throat. If this test reveals abnormalities, your doctor may take a tissue sample from your throat (biopsy) and test the sample for cancer. Treatment:- As, throat cancer affects breathing, talking, hearing full rehabilitation should be done. The treatment allotted to the patient by doctor will depend upon the level of your disease, along with the other facts. For throat cancer there are different treatment options such as:- Surgery If the size of the tumour in your throat is small then doctor may remove the tumour surgically. In the hospital when you are under sedation. Radiation therapy After the removal of tumour, doctor may recommend radiation therapy, which uses high energy rays for destroying the malignant cancer cells and will destroy all the left out cancerous cells behind the tumour. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a kind of drug that kills and slows the growth of malignant cells. In case of large tumours and tumours that have spread to the lymph nodes and other organs or tissue, your doctor may recommend radiation, as well as chemotherapy. How to prevent oral cancer? Intake of tobacco products should be minimized, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol. Well balanced diet should be included on daily basis Exposure to sunlight should be minimized. Repeated exposure increases the risk of cancer on the lip, especially the lower lip. Sunscreen lotions should be used on your skin as well as on lips. You can reduce the stress routine by joining cancer support group, and sharing your feelings with people diagnosed with same disorder which will help you not feel alone. Smoking and drinking should be avoided; intake of tobacco should be reduced.

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