Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Inilah 15 Keajaiban Pete Bagi Tubuh Kita, Sungguh Luar Biasa..!!

Oil pulling is the swishing of sesame, sunflower, or organic coconut oil inside the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, then spitting it out and rinsing the mouth. It's an alternative medicine new to the U.S. but practiced in countries such as Europe, China, and India for a very long time. You would use about a tablespoon of whichever oil you choose and swish for the recommended time of 15 to 20 minutes. Anyone above five years old can practice oil pulling. Children should use only a teaspoon of oil while adults use a tablespoon. The best time of the day for oil pulling is upon wakening in the morning before eating or drinking. It can also be done an hour after drinking water, tea, or coffee in the morning before breakfast. A good time to start is when you're not feeling well from any kind of health problem. It is highly effective in detoxification and increased metabolism. It is not advised to work or do other things while oil pulling because it's best when done slowly with the chin up and in a seated position. It works best when the oil is pulled through the teeth slowly touching the oral cavity. It can be used to treat certain diseases by doing it three times per day before breakfast, lunch, and dinner on an empty stomach. For treatment of chronic diseases, it may take up to a year or more of oil pulling depending on the disease, your age, and general health. I oil pull with organic coconut oil because I enjoy the taste plus there are many health benefits. The oil is extracted from the coconut with many anti-properties such as anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial, and more. It is full of antioxidants and helps the body to better absorb vitamins and nutrients. About 50% of coconut oil is lauric acid. The only other place that high levels of lauric acid are found are in human breast milk, so you can imagine how good it is for you. It is very important to spit the oil out and thoroughly rinse the mouth by gargling with warm water and mouthwash a few times since the mouth will be full of bacteria. If there are many toxins, you may experience symptoms of detoxification like pimples, headaches, and mucus, but these symptoms will disappear. It's safe to practice when pregnant or during your menstrual cycle. If your body needs to lose weight, the oil pulling will help your body reach its normal weight. Some tips for oil pulling with coconut oil (or any other oils) include: If you find that 20 minutes is too long, you can break it up into 10 minute or even 5 minute increments. Swish, spit, then swish again. Practice makes perfect. If the oil you chose is not agreeing with you, switch to a different one. See which one your body does well with and stick with it. You can even try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to help with the taste. Be sure to get cold pressed, virgin or extra virgin organic coconut oil.

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