Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Kita Lebih Kasihan pada Hewan daripada Manusia, Kenapa?

I want to continue the discussion I started earlier on natural cures for cancer. To review, l discussed that rogue cells that dont commit cell suicide lead to some sort of cancer. Most importantly, all cancer is just a normal process that only leads to death when a cell fails to die due to internal damage. How does this internal damage occur? Because of attack from outside forces: the toxins we either knowingly, or unknowingly, subject our bodies to. Yes, people actually do things that affect their long term health even though they know better! Its all about education, which is why Franz is here on Street Articles! So, lets continue our discussion on natural cures for cancer. Okay, if the answer is to insure proper sell suicide, so other healthy cells can generate, how do we insure that our body is doing just that. Ah, zat is ze trick! And there are two schools of thought here. One is the traditional cancer treatment that really began back in 1971 when President Nixon budgeted 100 million dollars to find a cure for cancer. The big pharmaceutical companies got most of the cash and so chemotherapy got the boost that was needed to start the war on cancer. And what does chemo do? Well its a drug that basically tries to stop dividing cancer cells from multiplying. The problem is that in destroying these sick cells, healthy ones are also killed. The almost thirty years of waging war with chemo have only lead to an increase in the disease. Congress stated years back that unless things changed that cancer will become the largest killer in the nation. Well, in 2005 the American Cancer Society announced that cancer had overtaken heart disease as the number one killer of adults under age thirty five. I think you get my point here. Chemo is a bad way to go, but it has been the one most widely used because its the one big pharmaceutical companies make money on, and doctors make money on, and it definitely kills cancer cells, but the long term affects can be devastating to ones optimal health. There are also other methods but the results are similar. They all have side affects. So, along come the twig eating, fruit and nut crowd claiming that if you would only eat a healthy diet you would not have all this cancer! And not only that, but there are nutrients in nature that are actually natural cures for cancer! Right now millions of your cells are killing themselves, as they should. Once this happens they are eliminated from your body by the immune system, hopefully a healthy one! You have to protect this vital process! The only way to do that is to be sure the process takes place by keeping your cells healthy! Duh, Franz! But how do I do that? With nutritional therapy! A healthy human body should replace all its cells with fresh cells every year. Remember my discussion on the benefits of water and the importance of water in metabolism? Just as that is so vitally important, so is the concept of nutritional therapy! This will help your cells do what they are supposed to do: by using non-toxic, natural compounds to work with your body to stop cancer cells from spreading instead of dying and going away. These natural cures for cancer include elderberry, cloudberry, green tea, EGCG, broccoli, and skullcap. Without these our bodies are just a place that rogue cancer cells can become tumors. Each one of these nutrients works with the cell to help it to know when to commit cellular suicide. But, the best and strongest natural cure for cancer is a spice called turmeric. Franz takes this every day! Not only does turmeric give cancer cells a major beating but it also prevents tumors from spreading. This makes it unique to other nutritional therapy for cancer cures! So whats the deal with turmeric? How does it work? Turmeric has been widely used in the Far East for thousands of years. It has only been the last twenty years or so that it has gotten attention from universities here in the United States for its ability to fight cancer. The University of Texass Cancer center found the effects of turmeric on cancer cells to be astonishing! In lab studies, they sprinkled some on cancer cells and discovered it blocked development of skin cancer, and others, including prostate tumors. It has been shown by population studies in India that the country that consumes the majority of the worlds turmeric has the lowest prostate cancer rate. Its twenty five times less than it is here in the United States. Now I hope you are thinking, great, but how do you take the stuff? Do I put the seasoning on all my food? How much should I use? Im a guy and I sure want to avoid prostate cancer! Whatever the reason, everyone should be taking this natural cure for cancer! Its cheap, and most importantly, its effective! But you will have to wait for part three. SO, please come back later and check out where you can get this wonderful cancer fighter. Its available at most natural grocers, but Ill tell you which manufacturer I have found to be the best, and for less than ten bucks a month. Thats worth checking back for isnt it? As always, I wish you vibrant health, many blessings, and a long life!

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