Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

8 Manusia Paling Jenius di Dunia, Nomor 5 Dari Indonesia Loh!

"Jumping rope vs running": Which is the best cardio exercise? which is the best fat burning exercise? The never-ending battle, and it could be the title of the new colossal "Jumping rope vs running"!!! if you ask to 10 people if they prefer jumping rope or running five of them will prefer jumping rope and the other five will tell you that there's nothing like running! It seems that the answer to that question is subjective so lets have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each on and youll decide which is the winner of the "Jumping rope vs running" battle. if you have read my other posts you should now that I dont like very much going to the gym. I prefer staying at home when theres cold or working-out outdoors when the weather is warm. I love running, I love the mountain-bike and I really enjoy jumping rope (which i discovered about two months ago). So depending on the period of the year my answer to the question "Jumping rope vs running" could be very different. For me the most effective exercise is the one that you like the most. What a crappy answer, don't you think? but that's the truth! if you like running and you don't like skipping rope then you probably would dedicate more time to a running workout, so you'll burn more fat running. But if running makes you sleepy then, probably, running is not the best exercise for you. Jumping rope vs running: my experience Running is as very natural and instinctive exercise which can give you a lot of pleasure. All you need to run is a good pair of running shoes (very important to avoid accidents) and a street or a treadmill. Personally, I dont like treadmills, I find them boring and listening to music to make it more pleasant doesnt help because I tend to follow the rhythm of the song and not mine. I prefer going outdoors, running in a park is one of the most peaceful activities, another thing that you would enjoy a lot is running in the beach. But running outdoors in wintertime can be very difficult, and if you don't like to go to the gym, what else can you do? This year I discovered the skipping rope: I found some very good videos in YouTube and I bought a very good speed rope (Nike) at the price of 20$ and I began jumping. I practice almost all the days after coming back from work in my living room: 10 - 15 minutes is enough. If you have little time and little money the jumping rope is for you! It's a very hight intensity exercise which involves all muscles of the body: some people say that 10 minutes of jump rope equals 20 to 30 minutes of running. Back to the first question: jumping rope vs running, which is the best for cardio and fat loss? Let's show you some numbers. For example, let's take a guy that weights 80 kg, in 15 minutes of jumping rope at 80 jumps per minute he'll burn about 190 KCal, if he does 125 jumps in a minute he could reach 240KCals! If the same guy goes for a run at 8 Km/h he can burn 170 KCals and if he speeds up to 12 Km/h he becomes a torch burning over 270 KCals! So...which one is the best? I think that both are extremely powerful exercises for cardio and of course for burning fat. If you have a nice park near your house you should have a run, but if you have only a small room you can jump rope... if you want you can alternate, mixing the benefits from both the exercises. I hope my article can help you becoming more healthy; If you liked it, feel free to go to my blog and post a comment about it. If you want more tips on cardio exercises, fat loss and strength training, visit my blog: http://pimpmymuscles.blogspot.com/

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