Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Tertarik Bekerja di Google? Coba Jawab 8 Pertanyaan Aneh Berikut Ini..!!

Smoking is injurious to health this is the most common proverb amongst every individual of the worlds population. Throat cancer? The word itself forces you to imagine persons ugly face after the treatment is done. In spite of having awareness, for each and every different type of cancer in the world, still these days people are more leaning themselves towards smoking, eating tobacco which creates maximum risk of cancer, whereas drinking alcohol as well. Most of the throat cancer is developed in adults more than 50 years of age. As compared to women, men are 10 times higher at risk of developing cancer.   itreatment leading from throat cancer to Hairloss,  A class of disease in which abnormal cells get multiplied and divides uncontrollably in the entire body is referred to as cancer, these abnormal cells from the growth of malignant is called as tumours. Throat cancer refers to the cancer that causes damage to the vocal cords, and other parts of the throat as well such as tonsils. The hollow tube which runs behind the nose to the top of windpipe is pharyngeal cancer. And the cancer which is formed in the vocal cords is termed as laryngeal cancer. According to the study, there are more cases of pharyngeal cancer rather than laryngeal cancer. Symptoms of Lung cancer:- You should consult your dentist or health care professional if you notice any of the symptoms as follows:- Swelling Red or white patches developed in the mouth Bleeding from the mouth Pain in the facial area, mouth or in neck Pain in ear Unexpected weight loss It gets difficult to chew or swallow the food Change in voice Dont be afraid, if you are observing all the above symptoms, it does not typically always mean that you are suffering from throat cancer but its important to discuss this with your doctor to avoid the health problems. It is estimated that men are more likely to develop cancer than women. Risk factors for the development of oral cancer include: Smoking: - pipe smokers, cigar or cigarette develop cancer six times more than non smokers Smokeless tobacco users:- chewing of tobacco is 50 times more likely to develop cancers of the cheek, gums, and lining of the lips Excessive consumption of alcohol:-  more common in drinkers Hereditary  problem Excessive exposure to sun at young age. Its important to note that about 25% of all oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and who only drink alcohol occasionally. Diagnosing throat cancer:- Throat cancer should be diagnosed as early as possible, which will help to increase your chances of successful treatment and gives the maximum ability   to swallow as well as speak. Doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history at your appointment. If the person is experiencing constant cough, sore throat, which has no improvement, then the patient may suffer from throat cancer. Doctor will undergo laryngoscope which gives the closer view of your throat. If this test reveals abnormalities, your doctor may take a tissue sample from your throat (biopsy) and test the sample for cancer. Treatment:- As, throat cancer affects breathing, talking, hearing full rehabilitation should be done. The treatment allotted to the patient by doctor will depend upon the level of your disease, along with the other facts. For throat cancer there are different treatment options such as:- Surgery If the size of the tumour in your throat is small then doctor may remove the tumour surgically. In the hospital when you are under sedation. Radiation therapy After the removal of tumour, doctor may recommend radiation therapy, which uses high energy rays for destroying the malignant cancer cells and will destroy all the left out cancerous cells behind the tumour. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a kind of drug that kills and slows the growth of malignant cells. In case of large tumours and tumours that have spread to the lymph nodes and other organs or tissue, your doctor may recommend radiation, as well as chemotherapy. How to prevent oral cancer? Intake of tobacco products should be minimized, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol. Well balanced diet should be included on daily basis Exposure to sunlight should be minimized. Repeated exposure increases the risk of cancer on the lip, especially the lower lip. Sunscreen lotions should be used on your skin as well as on lips. You can reduce the stress routine by joining cancer support group, and sharing your feelings with people diagnosed with same disorder which will help you not feel alone. Smoking and drinking should be avoided; intake of tobacco should be reduced.

ANEH! Setiap Hari Semut Keluar dari Mata Gadis Ini. Setelah Dirujuk, Dokter Menduga Ini Sebabnya..!!

Breast cancer is a frightening and often deadly disease, make no mistake about it. But, if you see the smiling faces of the survivors in the charity brochures, resplendent in pink everything, their bald heads tastefully hid behind a dainty scary (pink, of course) you kind of get the notion that it is a winnable fight and that, for all the scariness, it is actually kind of adorable. Lookie at all the pink, you think. Pink clothes, pink jewelry and pink banners all claiming that we are all together in this fight, we are all the breast cancer warriors or whatever they call themselves at that charity. But, ask anyone who is fighting the disease or the family of those who have lost the fight and see how "cute" they think breast cancer really is. Ask them if they think that buying a pink tee shirt is helping anything. Lea Pool has create and released a movie that highlights the exact problems that are facing breast cancer victims and their families. That movie, Pink Ribbons, Inc, highlight that the marketing and over commercialization of the movement are the reason that more people are not afraid of the disease- because they have made it approachable, like a Disney monster. You know you are supposed to be afraid, but you can't help yourself because of how cute the whole thing is. Pool calls this process the "pink washing" where nothing is grim and statistics involving death rates are often swept under the rug in favor of more positive numbers. But, it is important to know that one in every eight women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime, even if they have no real risk factors or family history. In the 1940's, the numbers were one in twenty two. Pool also points out that there are a number of problems with the money that is being raised by the wide ranging charities. First, there are literally thousands of researchers at labs across the United States as well as in other countries around the world but there is no communication or coordination between all of them. Experiments are often duplicated, needlessly wasting money that could be better spent. The treatment, referred to in the community as "slash, burn and poison" has not changed in the last few decades, leaving many women with little choice but to submit to invasive, body destroying surgeries followed by painful radiation and chemotherapy that often makes them sicker than the cancer had. The cancer community needs to find new ways to approach the research, treatment and care of patients, never losing sight on the fact that every woman, at every age is at a potential risk for breast cancer.

Warga Geger dengan Kemunculan Hewan Aneh Ini di Sungai

Unfortunately, the odds of getting mesothelioma if exposed to asbestos is quite high. There are a number of factors that are going to affect the situation though, and the eventual outcome. First, how long was the exposure? Second, how great was the quantity of asbestos fibers that were inhaled? These are the two determining factors concerning how much damage might have been done. Asbestos is an incredibly harmful substance--not initially, but certainly over time. Asbestos breaks off into tiny little fibers and these fibers enter the lungs, where they stay. Asbestos fibers irritate human lungs, and left there, will create cancerous growth on the inside of the lung lining. This is where the trouble lies. Asbestos fibers, once in the lungs, stay in the lungs because there is no method that is very effective for removing them. Once these asbestos fibers remain in the lungs, they will begin creating deformation of the lung lining, also known as asbestosis. The next stage of growth, which may take many months or many years to come about, is mesothelioma, also know as cancer of the lung lining. These are deadly health conditions and usually the prognosis is grim. There are some methods that a medical team can apply to help ease the onset symptoms, but there truly is no 'cure' for mesothelioma. Like other types of cancer, there are no cures, however there are treatments that can be used to help eradicate the cancerous growth. The difficult, however, lies with the fact that these treatments are harmful to the body being applied to. It is trying to fix one while harming the other, and not ideal of course. If asbestos exposure is experienced, or you suspect that you may have been affected, get to the doctor as soon as possible. Do not waste any days in delay, for it is best to properly identify if there is a problem as quickly as possible. An X-ray will be completed on your chest cavity to check your lungs for the presence of these asbestos fibers, which are visible on a lung x-ray. If you feel like your asbestos exposure is the result of negligence and safety protocols ignored on the part of a company, then your next step after the doctor may be to a mesothelioma attorney. They are a fountain of resources and will help as well, so do not be shy in contacting them. If you think you may have asbestos exposure, please do not delay in consulting with a doctor.

10 Penampakan Awan Aneh yang Pernah Muncul Ini Bikin Geger Masyarakat

It is common knowledge that smoking is hazardous to one's health. Additionally, many people know that exposure to asbestos is very dangerous and can lead to the development of the disease mesothelioma. What many people do not know, however, is that when smoking and asbestos exposure are combined, both of the harmful elements work together to create a much higher risk for the development of mesothelioma, or other types of cancers. Cigarettes have many harmful chemicals that break down the lungs and can be leading causes in cancer. Asbestos exposure also exposes the lung to harmful chemicals that weaken your body's defenses against cancers and other lung problems. Studies have found that cigarette smokers have a four to eleven times greater chance of getting lung cancer than non-smokers. If a person is a heavy smoker, than the number goes up to twenty-seven times as likely. Adding a heavy smoker to asbestos exposure sends the probabilities for lung cancer skyrocketing. In fact, heavy smokers with a history of asbestos exposure have a 50 to 90 times greater chance of having lung cancer. Needless to say, heavy smoking and large amounts of asbestos exposure will almost certainly lead to lung cancer. Smoking causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). People who smoke and have been exposed to asbestos have higher occurrences of COPD than people who have not been exposed to asbestos. Some of the terrible effects of COPD are the inflammation and eventual destruction of small airways in the lung tissue. Once these tissues have been destroys, some people can be completely debilitated. Studies have shown that people who quit smoking, but still had asbestos exposure are less likely to have lung cancer than those people who continue to smoke. Some say that COPD can be reversed the longer time is spent without smoking. Additionally, people who are able to quit smoking often feel healthier over time and significantly increase their life expectancy. Even though any amount of smoking or asbestos exposure can lead to lung cancer, the sooner one quits, the better off he or she will be. Asbestos exposure is very harmful for anyone. However if you know that you have been exposed to asbestos, and continue to smoke, you are playing with fate. The sooner someone stops smoking, the sooner his or her lungs can begin to heal. Mesothelioma and other cancers are very serious diseases that often end in death. In order to stay alive for loved ones, smokers should quit immediately.

Aneh bin Ajaib, 7 Pohon Ini Punya Bentuk Mirip Manusia dan Hewan

It would almost seem like a given in this day and age that people would know and understand that smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke has even been linked with increased lung cancer risks. Even were a person to never smoke a cigarette or be subjected to secondhand smoke, the possibility of lung cancer remains very real. But smoking cigarettes is nothing short of adding more bullets to a gun being used to play Russian Roulette-eventually, the odds of getting lung cancer will become impossible to ignore. In a normal body, cells grow and divide in an orderly manner. However, this order can break down. When this collapse in order occurs, cells begin dividing and growing at will and chaos results. This resulting chaos and breakdown of normal cell growth is called cancer. Normally, cancer will appear as a tumor, or perhaps even the dreaded "growth". In some cases, the cancer will remain isolated to a particular spot or organ. However, it is not entirely uncommon for cancer to spread beyond its initial area into other regions of the body or organs. Spreading cancer is also known as metastasis. Lung cancer has been known to spread into other organs of the body and speed the demise of the patient. Tobacco is a known and proven carcinogen. A carcinogen is any cancer-causing agent. However, just because something is a carcinogen does not necessarily mean that coming into contact one like tobacco smoke will not guarantee lung cancer in your future. Scientists can, on the other hand, tell you how much more likely you are to get lung cancer if you continue to expose your body to tobacco smoke. The risks of lung cancer due to tobacco smoke are too great to ignore. A person smoking one pack a day has increased their odds for getting lung cancer by 30 X's or more when compared to a nonsmoker. And, the more cigarettes you smoke every day, the greater those odds become. Plus, the number of years a person smokes continually increases their chances of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases such as emphysema. So, if someone were to quit smoking today after having done so for 10 years, how long do you think it would take for their risks of getting lung cancer to return to normal? Believe it or not, it takes 15 years after a person quits smoking for their odds to equal those of a nonsmoker of the same age-15 years!! Lung cancer is a merciless killer of thousands of Americans each and every year. It generally takes decades of smoking to lead to the condition but it has been found in people in their 20's who smoked since they were teenagers. Worse still, lung cancer is a very painful condition that can truly make the last months of life a true burden to bear. While you can still develop lung cancer even if you never smoke, the odds for developing this painful disease increase dramatically when tobacco is part of your life. If you are a smoker, tomorrow may very well be too late to quit so make sure you kick the habit today or prepare to see lung cancer in your future tomorrow.

4 Tanda Hubungan Asmara Anda Kurang Dewasa

Asbestos are the common kinds of materials that many of us used for the house. We used the asbestos for the ceiling. We used the asbestos for the wall as well. Surely, it was the best for us. It has the excellent performance which surely would make the room looks better, and it also has the simple method to use it. It would be simple and even the rookie worker could work on it easily. But somehow, according to the latest experiments' results, the asbestos have been declared as the positive trigger for the lung cancer. The study over some asbestos factory workers supported that hypothesis. The asbestos lung cancer prognosis has been made by the experts. Some experts have already made the asbestos lung cancer prognosis based on the fact that many of this cancer cases happened to some asbestos workers or some people that had to deal with the asbestos for some long time and constantly, including some people that used the asbestos as the materials to build the house. Surely, that would be a scary thing that we should deal with. Somehow, that is why the asbestos producers have decided to develop some new kinds of asbestos, something that would be healthier for the human being. They have developed some excellent solutions for the houses. This would be something extremely important to make sure that the asbestos cancer cases wouldn't happen again. The doctors wouldn't have to make the asbestos lung cancer prognosis as well. Somehow, according to the latest experiments as well, there are some solutions over the asbestos. This conclusion was made from some experiments over some asbestos lung cancer patients that have managed to survive. Perhaps, their near death experiences could be the excellent lesson for all of us to be more careful with all things.

10 Ilustrasi yang Ngena Banget Buat Orang yang Hobinya Tidur, Kok semuanya bener sih??

The 17 Day Diet meal plan has received a lot of attention from those looking for a new way to lose weight. This is because the meal plan is practical, and is an all round weight loss diet meal plan that helps teach better eating habits, and eliminates the frustration a lot of people have suffered from with other diet meal plans. The 17 Day Diet meal plan which was created by Dr. Moreno, a Californian family physician, was formerly said to be designed for those willing to prevent weight gain, or shed some excess pound of weight after holiday binge-eating periods. But today the diet meal plan is no longer just for the is time of year, as most people now use its teachings year-round to effectively help them lose unwanted weight. With The 17 Day Diet meal plan, the user follows a laid down diet plan rule that allows for flexibility in meal planning. The name of the program may just be confusing to some who may be thinking it is just meant for 17 days only. The truth is that the diet meal plan is divided into periods of seventeen days where different meal plans are followed. In a nutshell the program is meant to initiate weight loss by allowing for carbohydrate cycling diets. The carbohydrate intake for the meal plan is adjusted based on the phase of the program you are in. According to Dr. Moreno, the carbohydrate cycling is meant to confuse your bodys metabolism and enhance the rate at which you shed extra pounds of fat. The 17 Day Diet meal plan has 4 different phases: Phase 1) For the first seventeen days, which is from day 1 to 17 and is known as the Accelerate phase, you are to take in meals that are low on carbohydrate contents (about 1200 calories). You are to consume unlimited amount of lean meat with no-starch vegetables. Also, intake of two fat free plain yogurts, a little oil, two low sugar fruits, green tea, and up to 64 ounces of water is allowed during the first 17 days. Phase 2) During the second phase of The 17 Day Diet meal plan also known as Activate phase, you are to take an extra two servings of whole grains in addition to what you took during the first phase. This is in a bid to raise your calorie intake to 1500 per day. Phase 3) For the third phase of 17 days, which is also same as the Activate phase, but with the exception that you no longer indulge in unlimited intake of lean meat, and more grains and fruits are added to your daily meals. Its during this phase when you are trying to achieve a habit of good eating skills that will last for a lifetime. Apart from the changes in diet mentioned, you are going to take 100-calorie snacks and an option of drinking alcohol. In other words, the low carbohydrate diets are kicked out for a more balanced low calorie diet intake. Phase 4) For The 17 Day Diet meal plan, from the 52nd day upwards these days are termed under the Arriver phase. This is so when you reach an independent period of healthy lifelong eating habits that works right for you on a long-term basis. The 17 Day Diet meal plan has peaked a lot of interest, especially since it was featured on national television. There are definitely some worthwhile tips on balanced dieting with the goal of weight loss introduced by Dr. Moreno, however research has continually shown that once a person who has followed a day-by-day program is left to fend for themselves their rate of long-term success drops significantly. Although The 17 Day Diet meal plan encourages and teaches life-long habits, its the actual routine that, once broken, can be the make or break for those who rely on guidance for more than just the 52 total days.

Foto yang Membuat Pikiran Kamu Terkecoh, Buktikan Sendiri..!!

Our bodies already contain the information on how to effectively combat oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. That information is stored in our genes. The secret lies in being able to instruct cells regarding the implementation of that information. Protandim does just that. Your body receives a constant supply of oxygen as you breathe and your cells use that oxygen in various chemical reactions along with the vitamins and minerals, and the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates consumed in the foods you eat, to produce energy and keep you healthy. As a consequence of this metabolic activity, highly reactive molecules are produced known as free radicals. Free radicals can be thought of as similar in many ways to the exhaust from your automobile; that is, the energy released from the combustion of gasoline and oxygen is desirable, but the resultant exhaust is toxic and harmful. A free radical is a molecule missing an electron and it will strip an electron from another molecule to become "whole". This damages that molecule which in turn becomes a free radical beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started it escalates throughout a lifetime and is thought to be one of the primary determinates of aging. Damage enough molecules and you damage the cell, damage enough cells and you damage the tissue or organ system. Damage to tissue in excess of the body's ability to repair that damage is called disease. All antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons ending the "electron-stealing" reaction. The antioxidants themselves don't become free radicals when they donate an electron because they are stable in either form. All aerobic organisms (those that require oxygen for life), including mankind, produce this harmful "exhaust" as a result of normal cellular metabolism as described above and have evolved to handle and dispose of it. But, if the antioxidants needed for this process are unavailable, or if free-radical exposure becomes excessive, damage occurs. In our modern society there is both less availability of antioxidants due to the diminishing quality of our food sources, and more exposure to free-radicals due to increasing pollutants in our environment. Many of the foods past generations relied upon to supply naturally occurring antioxidants have been processed and now contain preservatives, and have been canned, frozen, or micro-waved negating much of their antioxidant properties. Worse, much of what we consume has been exposed to herbicides and pesticides which far from reducing oxidative stress actually contributes to it. These same herbicides and pesticides contaminate our ground water as well. Environmental pollutants found in our air and water such as emissions from automobiles and industries, radiation, asbestos, and many others all contribute to the production of free radicals. Smoking, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals also contribute to the production of free radicals. Thus, this society is exposed to more free radicals than any before in the history of man. Oxidative damage and chronic inflammation has been implicated in the cause of many diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, fragile X syndrome, Sickle Cell Disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others. It has, as well, an impact on the body's aging process. It is no small matter. What Can You Do? Diet is, of course, an important consideration. Berries Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries are among the top sources of antioxidants. Beans Small red beans and kidney, pinto and black beans are all choices rich in antioxidants. Fruits Many apple varieties (with peel) are high in antioxidants, as are avocados, cherries, green and red pears, fresh or dried plums, pineapple, kiwi and others. Vegetables Those with the highest antioxidant content include artichokes, spinach, red cabbage, red and white potatoes (with peel), sweet potatoes and broccoli. Although the effect of cooking on antioxidant levels varies by cooking method and vegetable, one study showed that cooking generally increased levels among select vegetables. Beverages Green tea may come to mind as a good source of antioxidants, but other beverages have high levels, too, including coffee, red wine and many fruit juices such as pomegranate. Nuts Walnuts, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds are some of the top nuts for antioxidant content. Herbs These may be unexpected suppliers of antioxidants, but ground cloves, cinnamon and ginger, dried oregano leaf and turmeric powder are all good sources. Grains In general, oat-based products are higher in antioxidants than are those derived from other grain sources. And for dessert A piece of dark chocolate ranks as high or higher than most fruits and vegetables in terms of antioxidant content. How Does Protandim Help? Vitamins C and E are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free-radicals too. The trouble is that one such antioxidant molecule from whatever source can neutralize only a few free-radical molecules before it is depleted. In our modern society, a good diet alone is simply no longer enough. The most effective way to fight free radicals and reverse the spread of oxidative stress and the chronic inflammation they cause is to trigger the body to produce its own free-radical fighting enzymes. That information is stored in our genes. Protandim is specially formulated to induce cells to produce more of these genetically encoded catalytic defense enzymes which have been named Superoxide Dismutases (SOD). Every enzyme molecule produced by this approach can eliminate up to 1 million free radicals before being depleted. When the protein messenger (Nrf2) is activated, it enters the nucleus of the cell and turns on hundreds of the bodys survival genes that code for these enzymes. These genes enable cells to survive in the face of several different kinds of stress, especially oxidative stress. Nrf2 also affects hundreds of other genes, pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic genes, by turning them down. Thus, Protandim is a master regulator of the aging process and an Nrf2 synergizer which activates survival genes, including antioxidant genes, that keep us safe from free radicals and oxidants and their harmful effects. It also turns down genes that perpetuate inflammation, and genes that encourage slow, progressive fibrosis to take place. Together these actions provide a remarkable promise of protection from many kinds of age-related health conditions. Protandim was developed by Joe McCord, Ph.D. Dr. McCord holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Rhodes College (graduated 1966) and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Duke University (graduated 1970), where he also conducted postdoctoral research. Dr. McCord has held biochemistry faculty positions at Duke University Medical Center and University of South Alabama. He currently serves as a professor in the department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Genetics at the University of Colorado Denver. He has received several awards and honors for his research and discoveries in the field of free radical biochemistry, is a past recipient of the Elliott Cresson Medal, the Discovery Award from the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM), and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oxygen Society. He has been a member of the board of directors of the LifeVantage Corporation (makers of the dietary supplement Protandim) since 2006. More Information The battle between those with a vested interest in the status quo and those who advocate non-pharmacological solutions to the health ailments of man will continue to rage. What is certain, however, is that LifeVantage Corporation has recently been granted a fourth patent for its flagship product Protandim from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is further certain that the U.S. government-funded National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), whose mission is to develop new information technologies to aid in the understanding of fundamental molecular and genetic processes that control health and disease has published twelve (12) research articles on PubMed, a service of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, and that many more studies are currently being conducted by several major universities. In addition, a Primetime Live Investigative Report by ABC News which aired in 2005 found scientific merit to the claims.

Inilah 15 Keajaiban Pete Bagi Tubuh Kita, Sungguh Luar Biasa..!!

Oil pulling is the swishing of sesame, sunflower, or organic coconut oil inside the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, then spitting it out and rinsing the mouth. It's an alternative medicine new to the U.S. but practiced in countries such as Europe, China, and India for a very long time. You would use about a tablespoon of whichever oil you choose and swish for the recommended time of 15 to 20 minutes. Anyone above five years old can practice oil pulling. Children should use only a teaspoon of oil while adults use a tablespoon. The best time of the day for oil pulling is upon wakening in the morning before eating or drinking. It can also be done an hour after drinking water, tea, or coffee in the morning before breakfast. A good time to start is when you're not feeling well from any kind of health problem. It is highly effective in detoxification and increased metabolism. It is not advised to work or do other things while oil pulling because it's best when done slowly with the chin up and in a seated position. It works best when the oil is pulled through the teeth slowly touching the oral cavity. It can be used to treat certain diseases by doing it three times per day before breakfast, lunch, and dinner on an empty stomach. For treatment of chronic diseases, it may take up to a year or more of oil pulling depending on the disease, your age, and general health. I oil pull with organic coconut oil because I enjoy the taste plus there are many health benefits. The oil is extracted from the coconut with many anti-properties such as anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial, and more. It is full of antioxidants and helps the body to better absorb vitamins and nutrients. About 50% of coconut oil is lauric acid. The only other place that high levels of lauric acid are found are in human breast milk, so you can imagine how good it is for you. It is very important to spit the oil out and thoroughly rinse the mouth by gargling with warm water and mouthwash a few times since the mouth will be full of bacteria. If there are many toxins, you may experience symptoms of detoxification like pimples, headaches, and mucus, but these symptoms will disappear. It's safe to practice when pregnant or during your menstrual cycle. If your body needs to lose weight, the oil pulling will help your body reach its normal weight. Some tips for oil pulling with coconut oil (or any other oils) include: If you find that 20 minutes is too long, you can break it up into 10 minute or even 5 minute increments. Swish, spit, then swish again. Practice makes perfect. If the oil you chose is not agreeing with you, switch to a different one. See which one your body does well with and stick with it. You can even try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to help with the taste. Be sure to get cold pressed, virgin or extra virgin organic coconut oil.