Kamis, 13 September 2018

Langsung Menikah Saja, Karena Kalau Pacaran Kamu Hanya Jagain Jodohnya Orang

There has been a rapidly growing number of online collage art and underground art galleries over the last five to ten years. The emergence of blogging networks, such as Blogspot, WordPress, and such others, have had a massive contribution to this fact, and have made it easier to create even the most basic looking site with the ability to add regular entries and the ability to integrate images. These sites can look reasonably good, certainly better than the hacked together sites of the bad old days of the late nineties provided by Tripod, Geocities, and Angelfire (remember those?) One can also not ignore the rise of social networking sites such as the ubiquitous Facebook, and the less popular, but more customizable MySpace. The benefits for the unknown artist, and especially the often ignored and sometimes maligned collage artist, are most obvious, you don't have to know much in the way of web languages to have an online gallery up and running and let people see your work. It is this fact that is the revolutionary aspect. The ability to set up your own online gallery that anybody in the world with connection to the internet can see (provided Google can let people find it!) This is especially important to the collage and underground artist, who are so often shut out of galleries for their work being unsafe, or not meeting criteria, or there being just too many other artists out there. Well we have now created exhibition space for ourselves, and have widened our reach, we are now truly independent of the gallery system, and can through the likes of eBay and PayPal or merchandise manufacturers such as Zazzle and CafePress, we can even sell our work.

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