Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

15 Foto Ini Bikin Siapapun Merinding Ketakutan Sampai Merasa Nyawa di Ujung Tanduk, Mending Kabur..!!

The world of cancer care has advanced greatly since the disease became a regular cause of death in the 18th Century. Today, symptom awareness is much higher, making diagnosis easier, while the cancer treatments available make the most of extended knowledge and technology. No longer do we need to look at the disease as a confirmed killer. One of the most important aspects of cancer care is understanding and knowledge. By educating ourselves about the causes, symptoms and treatments associated with the disease we can better equip ourselves to cope should we be unfortunate enough to be diagnosed in the future. Below we look briefly at both the cancer symptoms and treatments that are commonplace today. CANCER SYMPTOMS No two types of cancer are the same and the cancer symptoms associated with each may vary wildly. However, there are a number of symptoms that are associated with cancer in general. Standard Cancer Symptoms Unexpected/unwanted weight loss Unexplained tiredness/fatigue Nausea/vomiting Fever (including shivering and high temperature) Anemia Unexplained and continual pain Changes in the skins appearance Even a quick glance at the above symptoms will tell you that these are somewhat ambiguous. Each of these is not specific to cancer, instead playing a role as a tell-tale sign of any number of illnesses. As such, a person suffering from these symptoms need not worry too much about the presence of cancer. However, a medical opinion should be sought out to rule out the possibility of any serious illness. Type-Specific Cancer Symptoms Each cancer type has a set of symptoms that is more commonly associated with that type, although not exclusively. With more than 200 different cancer types known, it would take pages to describe each of these. Here then are some of the more common cancer forms and the symptoms associated with them specifically. Brain Cancer -- common symptoms include headache, confusion, memory loss and a change in behavior. Cancer of the brain has perhaps the most symptoms of any cancer, with the size and location of the tumor greatly impacting the symptoms. Breast Cancer -- specific symptoms include a lump or growth on the breast, a change in size or shape of the breast, and a rash or discharge from the nipple. Colon Cancer -- common symptoms include rectal bleeding or blood in the stool, change in bowel movement and prolonged constipation. Lung Cancer -- typical symptoms include continual coughing, blood in the phlegm (sputum) and clubbed fingers, although the latter is much rarer it should be said. Prostate Cancer -- symptoms include pain passing urine and a sudden need to urinate. If a person is suffering from any of these specific cancer symptoms, and especially if they are combined with standard symptoms, it is highly recommended that they seek out medical advice as soon as possible. CANCER TREATMENTS The symptoms of cancer generally lead to a diagnosis which in turn leads to any of a number of cancer treatments. Treatments vary depending on the size and location of the tumor or cancerous growth. Most cancers can be treated locally or systemically.

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