Senin, 11 Juni 2018

Foto Anak SD Hormat Bendera Bareng TNI Jadi Perdebatan, Ternyata diluar dugaan..

Asbestos is the name for the family of minerals that are fibrous. Historically, it was used in lamp wicks. Asbestos is resistant to fire and it is thus used for various purposes. It is derived from metamorphic rocks. It is mixed with cement or fabric to be used for various purposes. Because it is flame resistant, chemical resistant and flexible, it is used in electric insulation in constructing buildings, brake shoes and gaskets. The major disadvantage of asbestos is that it is very harmful. The inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause various terrible illnesses like mesothelioma. Mesothelioma, whether cancerous or not, is a terrible illness that can mar a person's entire life. Many countries have banned the use of asbestos for some purposes. History of asbestos: The Greeks, Romans and Persians used asbestos. The ancient Greeks first identified it. It was used a lot during the industrial revolution in the US and Canada. The Main purpose, during then, was Insulation; Asbestos fibers were also used in automobile brake pads and shoes. The first brands of filter cigarette, Kent, used asbestos in its filter. Only in the 1920s, the disease, asbestosis, caused by inhaling asbestos fibers was recognized. Only in the 1940s, it was realized that mesothelioma was caused by asbestos. Usage of asbestos: Asbestos was widely used in construction industry and shipping industry-It is used for the following purposes: - Fireproofing - Gaskets - Vinyl floor titles & sheeting - Roofing tars and siding - Brake pads and shoes - Fire blankets - Fire clothing for fire fighters - Thermal pipe insulation - Ceiling tiles - Insulation board - Thermal and chemical insulation - Cement sheets and pipes - Water casing Health concerns: From the beginning of 1970s, the concerns related to health because of exposure to asbestos have increased. Thousands of people die because of diseases caused by inhalation of asbestos filers. Asbestos is invisible to the human eye as it is very light and minute. This makes it easily airborne and exposure to human respiratory system is easy. This leads to terrible diseases like lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis, asbestos warts, pleural plaques and diffuse pleural thickening. Action taken: Various countries have banned the use of asbestos completely some have banned asbestos use for certain purposes. However, there are still countries like India and China that are continuing to use asbestos in the construction industry. It is time that they woke up to the harmful effects of asbestos. It is their duty to protect the citizens from asbestos harm. The WHO should also take some positive steps in this regard.

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